Appropriez-vous facilement tous les super-pouvoirs des OKRs, pas à pas et à l'aide de nos retours d'expérience.

5 star rating

c'est parfait

Managing Director - Novojob

synthétique et clair! bravo

synthétique et clair! bravo

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5 star rating


Sophie Bono
Growth Expert - Pavilon

Très bon format qui donne un bon rythme d'apprentissage

Très bon format qui donne un bon rythme d'apprentissage

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5 star rating

Merci !

Vanessa Mondaud

  • Who is this Masterclass for?

    Managers - Change leads - Exécutifs

  • Business Management Level

    Stratégique - Tactique - Opérationnel

  • Focus of Improvement

    Stratégie - Priorités - Management - Performance - Engagement

Masterclass Instructors

Jean Baptiste Gouin (Talenco)

Jean-Baptiste Gouin crée Talenco en 2012 pour aider les entreprises à faire des nombreuses transformations qui les attendent un levier d'opportunités plutôt qu'une contrainte. Très vite inspiré par la méthode de John Doerr, il déploie les OKR en interne puis auprès de nombreux clients, chez des grands comptes (Renault, Véolia, Société Générale...), comme auprès d'ETI, de PME et des startup (Ilki, Allovoisins, SmarDTV...), et même des institutions publiques...

Managing Director of Talenco.

Raphaël Kattan

An expert in retail and OKRs, Raphaël regularly speaks at different events and conferences to drive change in strategic management, managerial innovation, and new working methods.

Managing Director of Talenco.

Raphaël Kattan

An expert in retail and OKRs, Raphaël regularly speaks at different events and conferences to drive change in strategic management, managerial innovation, and new working methods.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Les OKR vus par l'importateur français de la méthode

  • 2

    Maîtrisez les fondamentaux de la méthode !

    • Quizz 1 : Mes objectifs, les bénéfices, les cibles

    • Construire ses OKR

    • Exemples d'OKR

    • Quizz 2 : "Bons" et "Mauvais" Objectifs / Key Results

  • 3

    Nos secrets pour déployer efficacement vos OKR

    • Déployer ses OKR : intro

    • Préparer la définition des OKR

    • Définir les "OKR de tête"

    • Décliner ses OKR

    • Surmonter les 1ers écueils

  • 4

    Faites vivre vos OKR dans le temps !

    • Le cycle des OKR : intro

    • La revue opérationnelle

    • La rétrospective trimestrielle

    • Quizz 3 : Rituels collectifs et individuels

  • 5

    Le mot de la fin

    • Livre Blanc et Retours Clients Talenco

    • Bravo!

    • Félicitations!

What's included?

  • Les conseils terrain d'experts français des OKRs

    Le chemin le plus court pour mettre en œuvre votre vision stratégique.

  • 45 minutes de contenu

    Ce parcours comprend 14 modules vidéos de moins de 5 min., des Quizz pour tester vos acquis, et des fiches outils.

Access the training

and get certified now!

  • €199,00

    Get started now

Start this Masterclass today!

Time to boost your impact with OKR

You’ve got questions? We’ve got you covered.

If you cannot find an answer to your specific question, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

  • Is OKRMentors for me?

    If you are a company wanting to improve their strategic execution and/or their use of OKR. Then yes. There are trainings for anyone in your organization regardless of their role. Check out our courses section.

  • Does OKRMentors apply to my business?

    OKRMentors was designed to be applicable regardless of the industry or geography of your venture. Our experts have worked with all types of organizations. Large multinational and Start-ups. Service oriented or Digital. In all parts of the world.

  • Where can I see all the available courses?

    Find all the courses on this link:

  • How can I buy a course?

    If you’re an individual, you can do so directly on the course page. Create your account and pay quickly and easily on the platform. If you represent a company and wish to buy courses in bulk, you can click on this option on the course page. It will automatically send us an email and we’ll get back to you to discuss options and pricing.

  • How do you select the experts?

    We integrate OKR experts based on their experience in OKR implementation, coaching and knowledge transfer.

  • What happens if I buy a course in “pre-order”?

    When a course is available to buy but not yet available to watch, you can buy it in “pre-order”. This allows you to take advantage of the temporary discount to buy the course you’re interested in. When the course is published and ready to watch, you receive an email directly in your inbox.

  • Can I get a refund?

    Yes. we have a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Refund can be requested by email if you have purchased a course less than 15 days ago and have viewed less than 20%.

  • How can I cancel the subscription?

    Send an email to [email protected].

  • Can I get an invoice?

    Yes. Send an email to [email protected].

Our Masterclass is 100% reliable

  • Easy to understand. We take into account the best teaching techniques

  • Focus on objectives. We know how important it is to put what you have learned into practice.bul

  • Recommended by students. We care about the opinion and feedback of those who take our classes to continue improving them.